Any 'stiffness' in the computer-generated art creates an unnatural feeling." The environment itself has to live with grass and trees moving in the wind, swirling trash on the pavement, sewers steaming. Cars have to drive around, ships have to sail on the river, people have to walk and perform their daily routines, birds have to fly in the sky. However, it's the living, breathing urban environment that will be the game's true star, and one that causes the most development headaches - especially with 'stiffness', according to the game's lead artist, Roman Hladik: "A city truly is a living, breathing organism. Peppered throughout with references to gangster movies, Mafia II looks to continue the reputation for well-written snappy dialogue, great voice acting and free-roaming gameplay built on a solid storyline and entertaining missions. Set in the '50s, in a fictional USA city modelled on New York, Mafia II sees you playing a new character called Vito who is dragged into a violent war between two rival families after being released from prison.

The sequel to Mafia is being developed by the game's original designers from Illusion Softworks (now 2K Czech), and is looking every bit the Tommy Gun-sprayed crime action-adventure.

If You Missed our world exclusive first look at Mafia II last issue, then shame on your family - a horse's head is winging its way to you by registered post right now.